Abdulla Eid

Abdulla Eid

Associate Professor of Mathematics

University of Bahrain, Bahrain Teachers College

Welcome to my Webpage

I am an assistant professor of Mathematics at the University of Bahrain. I graduated with a PhD in Mathematics from the Department of Mathematics at the University of Illinois in May 2013. My thesis supervisor was Prof. Iwan Duursma.


My Research interests lies in the field of Applied Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory. In particular, I am interested in the applications of Algebraic Geometry and Number Thoery to other fields of mathematics such as coding theory, algebraic curves over finite fields, secure multiparty computation, secret sharing, and problems in communication networks.


For a ist of the courses that I taught in the past or currently teaching, please refer to my teaching webpage.

Other Interests

I am somewhat active on Researchgate and here is my page

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