Presentation about the final project. It is the last day of classes.
Final oral Exam.
Final oral exam.
Hamming code (7,4) was introduced. The class note is here.
Check--digit in ISBN, UPC, etc. The class note is here.
Vigenere and Substitution ciphers. The lecture notes can be found here.
Exam 2.
Modular Arithmetic and introduction to cryptography. The class note is here.
Shift and Affine cipher have been introduced. The class note is here.
Continuation of the voting systems. The class note is here.
Properties of the voting systems, modular arithmetic. The class note is here.
Voting systems up to the plurality voting. The class note is here.
No Class.
Annuity and Amortization. Exercise sheet can be found here.
Presentation of the reading assignment 4 and quiz 6.
Introduction to the banking system. Recall from the prervious course TC2MA213: Further Mathematics topics about the geometric sequences, sum formula and geometric series. As a bonus homework, sierpinski carpert example was illustrated in class and the students need to find the sum of the area removed, explain the phenomena, and to try to build the carpet on a rubber paper.
Simple and Compound interest.
Continuation of the application of the geometric sequence to the banking system. Simple and Compound interests have been introduced.
You will need to work in groups in a reading assignment. You are supposed to do two things. First, you visit a bank of your choice in Bahrain and to ask about their annual percent rate (APR) for loans, saving account, certified deposits. Second, you need to do an analysis for the three types:
Groups 3,4, and 5 did their part in the presentation of the group assignment 3.
Quiz 4 was given at the beginning of the class. Then, groups 6 and 7 did their part in the presentation of the reading assignment 3.
Groups 1 and 2 did their part in the presentation of the group assignment 3.
Exam 1 will be held in the class from 11:20 AM -- 12:50 PM.
No class. Students are expecting to attend the session "Leading Primary Boys Schools, Experiences and Challenges" which will take place in Hall 47 , University of Bahrain adminstration Building from 10:00 AM till 12:00AM
We finished the Mathematics in the Midieval and Renaissance Europe. We also discussed the four property that makes the Mathematics is a special science. These are from the book "Math and Love" by Edward Frenkel. The class note is here.
Groups 1,2, 3, and 4 did their presentation of the reading assignment 2.
You will need to work in groups in a reading assignment. You are expected to read, summarize and present in class for about 15 minutes about one of the famous mathematicians in modern mathematics in Europe. You can use slides (no more than 10 slides with the references). Each presentation should start with introduction, contribution (detailed one is required) and conclusion. Remember, you goal is to teach other students a new idea, so make sure you deliver it right. You might also choose any other mathematician from the modern era of your choice.
Groups 5,6, and 7 did their presentation of the reading assignment. After that, we started chapter 7 about the mathematics in the Midieval period and we shall continue in the next class. The class note is here
We started chapter 4 about the Chinese Mathematics. We covered both chinese numeration system and Rod system. We also talked about their contribution to the Algebra and Geometry. We tried to work out a method in finding a normal magic square of order 4. The class note is here.
You will need to work in groups in a reading assignment. You are expected to read, summarize and present in class for about 15 minutes about one of the famous mathematicians in the Islamic civilization. You can use slides (no more than 10 slides with the references). Each presentation should start with introduction, contribution (detailed one is required) and conclusion. Remember, you goal is to teach other students a new idea, so make sure you deliver it right. You might also choose any other mathematician from the Islamic world of your choice.
We finished chapter 5 about Indian mathematics. We have two homework problems for next Sunday March 15, 2015. The class note is here.
We finished from the Greek numeration symbols including fractions. We also did the Greek computation way. The rest of the class was devoted for the reading assignment of groups 1,2,3, and 5. The class note is here.
Presentation of groups 4,6, and 7. We had Quiz 1 for the rest of the class. The presentation of all groups can be found here Here.
We started chapter 2 about the Babylonian Mathematics. Babylonian symbols, numeral, fraction and their decimal equivalent were introduced. We started to discuss addition and multiplication. The class note is here.
We finished the division, algebra of geometry in the Babylonian civilization. We moved then to chapter 3 about the Greek Mathematics and we just did the symbols and numbers. Next time we should start off with fractions. The class note is here.
You will need to work in groups in a reading assignment. You are expected to read, summarize and present in class for about 10 minutes and you can use slides (no more than 5 slides with the references). Groups 7 and 8, you might find this Lecture by Michael Fowler useful for you.
The pdf file for all the presentation can be find here. Please take the information here with caution!
Introduction to the course. Discussion of the syllabus. We finished chapter 1, Sections 1.1 (Egyptian civilization), 1.2 (Egyptian symbols). The class note is here.
Finalization of the syllabus. We finished chapter 1, Sections 1.3 (Egyptian addition), 1.4 (Egyptian multiplication and division), 1.5 (Egyptian Algebra), and Section 1.6 (Egyptian Geometry). The class lecture note is here.
Sukhair Campus
Bahrain Teachers College
University of Bahrain
P.O.Box 32038
Tel: +973 1743 7872
aeid (at)